Tag main questline

John Barrymore September 06, 2023 1 minute
A blog post discusses the main questline of Patch 10.1.7, which includes in-game cutscenes that hint at the plot of Patch 10.2. The post provides a walkthrough of the campaign questline and explores the interactions between characters like Fyrakk, Vyranoth, and Alexstraza. Spoilers ahead.
John Barrymore September 05, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post discusses two in-game cutscenes in Patch 10.1.7, hinting at the possible storyline for Patch 10.2. It explores the interactions between characters Fyrakk, Vyranoth, and Alexstraza, revealing their motivations and potential plot developments. Spoilers for the game are revealed, so proceed with caution.
John Barrymore September 05, 2023 0 minute
Exploring the In-Game Teasers in Patch 10.1.7: A sneak peek at the upcoming patch is revealed through two intriguing cutscenes in the main questline. Discover the brewing conflict between Fyrakk and Vyrannoth as they scheme to achieve their respective goals, leaving players eagerly anticipating Patch 10.2.